Apple Processing Report - Yakima, WA

YAKIMA Shipping Point Prices as of Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Provided by: Specialty Crops Market News, Federal Market News Service, USDA Phone: (602) 557-0410 Email: Website: YA_FV195 WASHINGTON APPLES FOR PROCESSING 2023 CROP Offerings Moderate. Trading Moderate. Prices Steady. Prices for Wednesday, May 15, 2024. F.O.B. Packing house or receiving station per ton. Juice $20.00-40.00 mostly $27.00-33.00 ORGANIC $160.00-180.00 Peelers $80.00-160.00 mostly $120.00-140.00 ORGANIC $250.00-350.00 mostly $290.00-310.00 Utilization for week ending May 11, 2024 in tons: 2023 CROP Juice 7,786 Total to date this season 211,702 Total to date last season 205,974 Peelers 3,505 Total to date this season 110,542 Total to date last season 149,510 All Total 11,291 Total to date this season 322,244 Total to date last season 355,484