TV_LS100 Thomasville, GA Thu Feb 22, 2024 USDA-GA Dept Ag Market News Atlanta Information for AP Cattle and Calves: At Georgia auction markets on Wednesday medium and large 1-2 300- 400 lb feeder steers sold at 320.00 to 385.00; 400-500 lbs 290.00 to 350.00; 500-600 lbs 245.00 to 312.00. At Alabama auction markets on Wednesday medium and large 1-2 300- 400 lb feeder steers sold at 315.00 to 397.00; 400-500 lbs 280.00 to 310.00; 500-600 lbs 255.00 to 316.00. At Florida auction markets on Wednesday medium and large 1-2 300- 400 lb feeder steers sold at 365.00 to 440.00; 400-500 lbs 290.00 to 380.00; 500-600 lbs 320.00 to 340.00. Source: USDA-Georgia Dept of AG Market News, Orlando, FL Crystal Richburg, OIC, Phone 229-226-1641 Email: 955e th